Schalldaemmhaube_PP 405_7-kl

Sound Cover PP 404 / PP 405 / PP 407 S/SC 03

Dimensions of sound cover: (HxWxD) 18,2 x 36,2 x 22 inch Weight:  38 kg (net), 42 kg (incl. packing) Article no.:  8709 002 60302 Tailor-made sound covers offer maximum printing performance at minimum noise emission. The cover for PP 404, PP 405 (fanfold only) and PP 407 reduce the noise by 10 dB. Thus, the printers can even be…


Printer Stand PP 404 / PP 405

Article no.: 8707 241 90502 Dimensions WxHxD 600 x 740 x 720 mm The robust printer stand for the PP 404/PP 405 provides more stability to the whole printer installation and for the correct depositing of fanfold paper on the rear side of the printer. Suitable for the following printers: PP 405

Handeingabe PP405

Manual Sheet Feeder S/HF 04

Article no.: 8709-002-70401 This option allows the precise insert of the single sheet, assuring a secure collection. It is especially recommended when multiple feeders (ASF) are installed, since it also serves as an extension. Suitable for the following printers: PP 404


Ribbon Cassette S/RC78

Ribbon Cassette S/RC78 Color nylon black Printing performance 16 million characters Article no.: 8709 002 37801 The  Ribbon Cassette S/RC78 is a printer accessorie for all PSi Matrixprinters of the family PP 40x, which are subject of a permanent quality control in the different production stages (plastic syringes, ink manufacturing, impregnation of the fabric, installation of…


Parcel Services

Printable Media Examples: Printer Suitability No items found Parcel services: Scheduled delivery of goods on weekdays, usually at specific times (8 a.m., 9 a.m., 10 a.m. or 12 p.m.) as well as Saturday deliveries. In addition, the delivery service for parcels is offered directly to the recipient’s workplace.



Printable Media Examples: AWBs / CIM, Airway Bills, Barcodes, Cargo lists, Order Lists, Ordering Documents, Outsourcing Documents, Picking documents, Shipping papers, Transfer form Printer Suitability PP 405 PP 806 PP 809 Logistics: deals with the planning, control, optimization implementation of freight transport. The logistics industry consists mainly of freight forwarders and transport companies. Their areas…


Industry / Automotive

Printable Media Examples: Assembly Lists, Barcodes, Inspection certificates, Labels, Markings (goods tags), Order Documents, Order Lists, Picking documents, Production documents with and without barcodes, Registration (CAR), Reviews, Warehouse documents, Work Accompanying Documents, Work associated Cards Printer Suitability PP 204 PP 205 PP 407 PP 408 PP 803 PP 809 PP 80x with QR-Code Industry: Printing…



Printable Media Examples: Correspondence, Descriptions, Invoice printing, Labels, Markings (goods tags), Order Documents, Ordering Documents, Outsourcing Documents, Package sticker, Packing lists, Warehouse documents, Work associated Cards Printer Suitability PP 204 PP 205 PP 803 PP 80x with QR-Code Trade: is the exchange of goods and services. Functional trading always occurs “when market participants procure goods…