How to perform a HEX-Dump in PP 80x printers?

The HEXdump provides the ability to stream to analyze. It shows all control characters, which are sent to the printer. To this end, the HEX-DUMP is selected in the menu. Then you send the original file to the printer. All data are printed in HEX code line by line. Perform a HEX-DUMP PP80x

How to perform a HEX Dump in PP 40x printers?

The HEXdump provides the ability to stream to analyze. It shows all control characters, which are sent to the printer. To this end, the HEX-DUMP is selected in the menu. Then you send the original file to the printer. All data are printed in HEX code line by line. Perform a HEX-DUMP PP40x_de_eng