PM IGP Parallel for Series 40x

IGP (Intelligent Graphics Processor) is one of the most widely used printer languages in industrial processes. Traditionally, print printers have been used here. Matrix printers are an interesting alternative, however, since they allow the user to print at comparable speeds with higher quality and, above all, more cost-effectively. IGP and VGL are emulations for the…

PM IGP Ethernet for Series 40x

IGP (Intelligent Graphics Processor) is one of the most widely used printer languages in industrial processes. Traditionally, print printers have been used here. Matrix printers are an interesting alternative, however, since they allow the user to print at comparable speeds with higher quality and, above all, more cost-effectively. IGP and VGL are emulations for the…

IBM 4247 IPDS Ethernet for Series 40x

The Personality Modul PM IPDS Ethernet for Series 40x offers: the best and most sophisticated IPDS and LAN connectivity features available on the market today. It works efficiently in a mixed Host/LAN environment and supports TCP/IP sessions directly from IBM systems as well as from the LAN. When installing the PM just switch on the…

PM Ethernet 10/100 MBit for Series 40x

The PM Ethernet 10/100 MBit for Series 40x supports: all current operating systems: Windows, Apple, Novell, Linux.Ethernet networks of type 10BaseT / 100BaseTX (RJ45). In addition to the Ethernet connection, a serial interface (RS 232 / RS 422) is also available. Characteristics: integrated High Speed Print Server bup to1 MByte/s Data Rate 1 MByte Flash…

PM (PNS) Ethernet, USB, Parallel and Serial for Serie 40x

The Personality Module PM PNS Ethernet, USB, Parallel and Serial for Serie 40x is a full Web Browser based configuration and administration network interface for the PP 40x printer family. Flexibility: The PNS supports various protocols, such as TCP/IP, as well as the most widely used operating systems, Windows and UNIX. Simple administration: Printer status information can be retrieved…

PM USB, Parallel and Serial for Serie 40x

The combination of serial, parallel and USB (PP 40x only) interface is the standard Personality Module always in combination of all interfaces. These interface modules PM USB, Parallel and Serial for Serie 40x are equipped with the industrial standard emulations IBM ProPrinter and Epson LQ. They comply with the standards: Parallel Centronics, (PP 40x, PP…


Services de parcelles

Des supports d'impression Exemples: Documents de commande Pertinence de l'imprimante PP 204 PP 404 PP 806 PP 809 Livraison programmée de marchandises en semaine, généralement à des heures précises (8h00, 9h00, 10h00 ou 12h00) ainsi que les livraisons le samedi. De plus, le service de livraison de colis est offert directement sur le lieu de…


La logistique

Des supports d'impression Exemples: AWBs / CIM, Airway Bills, Bon de livraison, Carnet de natalité, Carnet des vaccinations, Codes à barres, Impression de factures, Listes d’ordre, Livres de voyage, Travailler les documents d’accompagnement, étiquettes Pertinence de l'imprimante PP 204 PP 205 PP 803 PP 809 Logistique: s’occupe de la planification, du contrôle, de l’optimisation de…


Industrie / Automobile

Des supports d'impression Exemples: Billets pour transports en commun, Certificats d’incapacité, Certificats de test, Codes à barres, Descriptions, Documents d’entrepôt, Documents d’expédition, Documents de livraison, Documents sur le revenu, Désenregistrement (Cars), Liste de colisage, Listes d’assemblage, Listes d’ordre, Listes de collecte, Livres de voyage, Marquages ​​(étiquettes de marchandises), Papiers de transport/commercial, Résultats d’essai, Travailler les…



Des supports d'impression Exemples: Autocollant de paquet, Commande de documents, Documents d’expédition, Documents de commande, Documents de production avec et sans code-barres, Documents de sous-traitance, Liste de colisage Pertinence de l'imprimante PP 803 PP 806 PP 80x with QR-Code Commerce: est l’échange de biens et de services. Le commerce fonctionnel se produit toujours « lorsque…